Kris M

Yulia Onosovskaya

Ms. Kris started working with children when she was a teenager (babysitting), and later early childhood education became her career choice. She continued to work with young children, including an experience working with special needs children in a kindergarten setting, and obtained her AA diploma in Child Development from De Anza College.

“It’s fun! “– says Ms. Kris about working with kids. – “It’s challenging at times but I love providing fun experiences and a safe presence. The most rewarding part of working with children is seeing them develop their skills & discover their interests right in front of me! I believe children learn best when they guide the learning – I like to encourage questions and attempts to figure things out on their own! Of course, children need support from trusted adults, but the most memorable learning experiences for me as a child were times where I worked through a problem myself (with help at times).”

Ms. Kris has a really wide range of interests: she likes to bake and cook gluten & dairy free, as well as work with clay, make costumes, make resin art and draw and animate. She’s a cat mom to a tortie cat named Toast, and she also is very interested in insects, in particular iris weevils. Bigfoot weevils are her favorite!