This past Saturday we had a fabulous turnout for our “Eggtastic” Open House at ScuttleBugs. Even though there were light showers throughout the morning – that didn’t dampen our spirits! Everyone made full use of our enclosed gym and spacious classrooms – there’s so much to eggsplore in new environments and the world around us.
“We really enjoyed the open house today and our little one made a few friends already!” – Maggie S.
We all (two dozen families inquiring, new or old) had a wonderful time making our baskets/bags (thanks for scaffolding Ms. Nicole), hunting for egg treasure, and devouring Ms. Joana’s delicious spread of refreshments. (The pasta salad and sandwiches were a hit all round – especially with some of our expectant Moms).
The warmer climes lead into another week of Spring time activities, including honing our green thumbs and eggscavating in the garden with Mr. Jullien. Here’s to celebrating Mother Nature and the lifecycle – stay tuned for his blog and pics coming soon.

Save the date for our annual Spring Carnival, Saturday May 6th, 2017 – promising even more FUN with face painting, balloon art, bounce house, and of course……..bubbles. Be sure to RSVP and come join us for this free community event.