Kindergarten Preparation Open House

Yulia OnosovskayaOpen House

Big School is getting closer… Is your child ready? ScuttleBugs Graduates are.

Join us for our Kindergarten Preparation Open House on Saturday, May 19th, 10am to 12pm!

The kids of preschool age will be able to participate in interesting educational activities and we will also provide free kindergarten readiness assessments (for children only 😀 ).
If you’re looking for a Preschool or PreK program, now is the time: we have some spaces available with no wait list if you want to start your little love bug’s learning journey sooner! We provide a strong syllabus, based on our unique Reggio Emilia and Emergent Curriculum approach to education, and it does work!
– 2/3 of our graduates’ parents confirm that it was very easy for their child to integrate into the new school in terms of social life and behavioral regulations
– 2/3 of our graduates’ parents confirm that during transition their child seems more comfortable and confidents than his classmates
– 100% of our graduates’ parents state that they feel that ScuttleBugs positively contributed to their child’s growth in Emotional Behavior, Social Peer Skills, Exposure to different cultures and Preliteracy and Premath.

For younger kids we are now pre-registering for autumn/winter 2018/19. Our Enrollment Schedulator program allows us to space out new enrollees of all ages throughout the year. Including those still on the way!
We hope you can join us and see if ScuttleBugs is the right fit for your child and family. Kindly RSVP to let us know you’re going to pass by!