We are now half way through the second year of our unique ScuttleBugs CDC 529 College Fund program. There are now twice the number of Kids enrolled in our program that we had last year. And we are stoked! We’re thrilled to have an opportunity to show our support for our kids and their families in such a tangible way.
The program is simplicity itself. All children at ScuttleBugs full time on September 1st each year are automatically enrolled into that year’s 529 program. Those still with us throughout the year until August 31st the following year receive a contribution that goes straight into the child’s own 529 Account. We had some very smiley faces indeed when the checks for last year’s 529 Program landed in those accounts.
ScuttleBugs devotes great care and attention to all aspects of our kids’ development. Our program is highly regarded but we are always looking at our processes, tools and methods to see how or where we can improve. We listen closely to what is going on in the world of child care globally and locally to see what we can learn. Our parents are from all around the world and are well able to judge our program astutely and with perspective.

Our ScuttleBugs 529 Program ties in naturally to what we try to provide every day to each child. Sure, we don’t hand them off straight into college but do work hard to give them a strong push towards whatever educational goals they may later set for themselves. Our curriculum, both academically, socially and emotionally, is designed to give each child a rounded, deep and wide base but is delivered so that every teacher has the freedom to tailor each step to the way most suited to each child.
As the children advance through each class they meet and pass important milestones towards graduation goals comfortably above Kindergarten entry level. And well on their way towards that future date when they can take advantage of that long-ago education funding investment made by their parents – with a little help from ScuttleBugs.