Should we be avoiding High Fructose Corn Syrup?


In recent years high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) has evolved to become the pariah of the food industry, with bloggers and self-proclaimed food gurus touting its cause of everything from obesity, disease and body-wide inflammation to insulin intolerance, diabetes and death. But, just how true are these claims, and is there any evidence available to support them?

Are plastics with BPA poisoning our children?


I started writing this article with a view of getting a better understanding of BPA, and finding what (as a parent) I should be doing to minimize exposure. To be honest, I’m feeling deflated at the futility of the findings, and the realization that this is a much broader problem that has to be addressed.

Risk vs. Reward: A perspective of numerous parenting styles

Sam PenmanUncategorized

It takes a village to raise a child: and as any parent, family member, caregiver will tell you – it certainly feels that way in navigating a child’s safe passage through life. Your culture and own upbringing may heavily influence your child rearing or parenting style. In contrast, it can realize the exact opposite!

Hands up!.. For Hygiene!

Allan MorrisonUncategorized

It’s that time of year, colder months and bugs abound. Time to navigate the Winter Blues. Our duty of care lends not only to our kiddo’s sniffles but also their parents/family members – not to mention our teachers –and we need to collaboratively mitigate the spread of illness. Which of course we do year-round. Our first line of defense is one of the simplest, most effective, measures to prevent the spread of contagious bacteria/viruses: good old hand washing! Rest assured, we go through disposable gloves by the truck load – cleaning, diapering, food service, nose wiping – you name it!

Curious Beliefs and Customs about Children (from the Past)

Yulia OnosovskayaUncategorized

Look at some of the strangest child-related beliefs and customs that now, fortunately, belong to the past. Starting from the beginning in ancient Greece: the preformationism. Developed by Pythagoras and Aristotle (OK, let’s cut them some slack – they did get some things perfectly right!), this theory stated that all creatures developed from smaller versions of themselves

Regular, Life-long Exercise: It seems intuition was right all along!

Allan MorrisonUncategorized

We at ScuttleBugs are long-time firm believers in physical activity starting at a young age. Physical activity – just being active, sport can always come later – as part of a child’s early life obviously has many immediate benefits – not to mention it’s fun. But as importantly, if the child can enjoy being active, they can, as they grow older, build activity into their lives.

Cerebral Palsy

Elena Onosovskaya, guest authorUncategorized

Working every day with kids who have the disorder, I see how being able to walk independently, albeit with walkers but without a wheelchair, and being able to stand, makes a huge difference for them. The eyes of these kids who, one way or another, are able to experience moving with their own feet, just sparkle with happiness!

Things That Go Boo in the Night!

Sam PenmanUncategorized

It’s that time of the year …….HALLOWEEN. Ghosts, monsters, ghouls, oh my! Tis an occasion or trigger for the scare factor and any inherent fears or phobias that you or loved one may experience often-times. Tends to flair up around now so I thought I would share some nostalgic tidbits and relevant findings.

In the Beginning was the Dialog

Yulia OnosovskayaUncategorized

Most of our thoughts are shaped in words, but it hasn’t always been like that. Even the concept of “question and answer” is something we are not born with, and really this is the first thing about communication we learn. At the age of about 2 months children discover their ability to vocalize and search for social interaction. At that point the main interlocutor, usually the mother, teaches her baby the principles of a dialog – and it is then when a child finds out that communication is based on a back and forth “tit for tat”…

Family Relationships

Ms. EmmaUncategorized

I have my favorite things about being a teacher and many favorite moments, but I think my most treasured thing is forming bonds with children as well as their parents.