
Maria Da SilvaTeachers

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle has always been important to me. Making sure I’m eating healthy, getting enough sleep, staying active, and ensuring that my body is well hydrated. As a teacher/mother and grandmother I find it equally as important to teach my children this healthy lifestyle through role modeling and fun conversations!

10 Best Places for your Children’s Birthday Party near Santa Clara

Ms. NicoleTeachers

Throwing a Birthday party for your child can be stressful especially if you a perfectionist like me! Although it is all worth it when I see that happy smile on my baby’s face surrounded by all their friends and family. My oldest daughter’s birthday is in November so I always had to find indoor places to host her party. These are the places I’ve had her parties …

Circle Time with Toddlers

Ms. NicoleTeachers

Our Toddler class has a routine; we sing our good morning song, days of the week, months of the year, color song and then the alphabet. But there is always room for creativity within our routine and structure!! Circle time is a great opportunity to get our toddlers together and give them a strong sense of community and enhance their social skills.

OUTSTANDING! Process Not Product

Ms. Greta, Jr. Preschool Team LeadTeachers

Dear Reader, You may have noticed we have recently been posting more blogs from our wonderful teaching staff. Each of our teachers adds to our reservoir of perspectives on life and early childhood development. We are so proud our existing and future parents can hear directly from them. Here Ms. Greta, our very experienced Pre-School Team Lead, makes the case through simple examples, for helping to train young minds to acquire the tools for learning through developing a process of curiosity and exploration. And presents it in her unique style.

Funny Kid

Out Of The Mouths Of Babies and Infants… (or Why Our Brave Childcare Teachers Sometimes Cannot Keep A Straight Face)

Ms. Tiffani, Preschool Teacher's AideTeachers

In my humble opinion, pure honesty and humor comes from the mouths of babes! As a teacher I spend most of my day laughing and having a great time with the children, greatly because of the funny but blatantly true remarks they make. Here are just a few recent interactions we’ve experienced in Preschool at The Bug.

Oh the Places You Can Go

Nicole BotelhoTeachers

Being a step-mother to one and mother to three I’ve always been on the hunt for fun and child-friendly places to go! There are several online and published resources that focus on local, young, family-centric environments and activities. Here are some tips. I hope they are helpful.

And now… A Letter From Our Cook!

Joana Cruz, CookTeachers

I have been the on-site cook at ScuttleBugs since we first opened our doors in 2011. I’d like to take some time to talk about our children and food, and have 7 years of experience to draw from!

Hop on Board the Potty Train

Ms. Greta Loomis, Junior Preschool Team LeaderTeachers

Having had many years’ experience with potty training as a parent and seasoned professional, here are some key techniques and tricks of the trade I’d like to share.



Sam Penman and Eunice KimTeachers

There are valuable attributes that children can gain from being proficient in and constantly advancing IT and all it entails. Thousands of apps, forums, websites, games, programs, e books, etc. However, there is a dark side to the equation. Children with access to these devices or screens in general, can accidently or inadvertently experience exposure to the potentially dangerous world wide web.

Got Dirt?

Sam PenmanTeachers

What is dirt exactly? Such a natural part of life, can be harmful – but also loads of fun. Why are we “anti”? Why is it feared so much? At worst, is it not a necessary evil?