Curriculum Experience Planning – Never Stop Learning

Ms. JessicaCurriculum, Teachers

This blog speaks to the importance of professional development and continuing education for all. With an ever-expanding need for high caliber care and education of our little one’s, we as parents, teachers, education management and a community need to support early educators and care givers who give back so generously to our kiddo’s, their families and the future generations. It’s a matter of trust and responsibility for all parties concerned. Here is an insight into what is seemingly an everyday opportunity but can be tailored to suit and reinforce your child’s learning through hands on experience. 

Bee Happy

Ms. NatashaCurriculum, Teachers

We had a week in May when we learned a great deal about BEES!! We learned how bees retrieve nectar, transfer nectar, and turn nectar into a golden liquid.

We learned that not all bees have the same job but work together to create a beautiful liquid that we humans add to our tea, use to help heal wounds, help our digestive system, and soothe our throat. And we learned that that beautiful Golden liquid is called HONEY!

Why do children need routine?

Ms. AnnaTeachers, Uncategorized

Routine gives children security. It helps them develop self-discipline. It gives them the structure into which, and around which, they can fit all the new experiences they encounter as they learn about life and their world and their place in it.

Science! It’s A Kind Of Magic!

Ms. NicoleTeachers

Although planning and setting up for science experiments can be a lot of work, as an early childhood educator I find it crucial that I make sure these opportunities are given to my students. Through science, children have the opportunity to learn about the world around them and acquire necessary life skills.

Getting used to a New Place

Ms. DarrianeTeachers

When I started working with children I already knew that children will become attached to you the more you are around them. I thought it was interesting how children do that and when I started working in my current job many of the children got close to me but there is one child in particular that I want to talk about. I would like to refer to this child as Baby M. The child was barely starting in the room I was going to work in when I first started. We already had one thing in common; we were starting at a new place and at first we did not know exactly what to do.

Baby Wipes – They’re Amazing!

Ms. Lauren & Ms. AshleyBag O' Tricks, Teachers

I never realized how useful baby wipes really were until I became a teacher in the Scuttlebugs infant room. Before, I only thought of the use of baby wipes to clean a baby’s bottom or wipe your body. If you don’t already appreciate the power of a baby wipe, your mind may change by the time you’re done reading.

Taking Turns Science

Ms. GretaBag O' Tricks, Teachers

Taking turns when you are two???
Who knew this could be possible. The general thought is no way… Here are some tips and tools we use to guide a child who is learning this

Is your child a picky eater?

Eunice KimTeachers

Is your child a picky eater? All hope is not lost! Although there are these factors that we cannot change, there is a lot you can do to promote lasting healthy eating habits and prevent picky eating in the future. Here are some tips to stop/prevent picky eating that we, at ScuttleBugs, practice in the classroom.

Diversity – From Two Perspectives

Ms. Nicole and Ms. SamCurriculum, Teachers

Learning to respectfully work and learn together regardless of our background is to everyone’s benefit and creates such a strong sense of community that should be celebrated! So naturally in our classroom, we celebrate diversity! Yes, we even include our owners who are from Australia and the UK!